
    My name is Jeffrey Lansford and welcome to my website. Here you will see my past projects and work from my classes. I have my Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science with a concentrations in Software Development and Human-Computer Interaction. My main hobbies are gaming. I love to play and create games. I was the president of NMSU's Game Development Club where we teach NMSU students about game development and creating our own games. I am also passionate about programming. My top three languages are Java, C/C++, and Unity C#. I also love building computers. I have built two of my own machines and help other people with picking and building their own.

Here are some of the projects that I have worked on:

D&D Dugeon Master Map Maker

    This is my Senior Project for my Bachloar degree. It is a Unity application for D&D DMs to create 3D maps for their encounters and host them for their campaign so that players can have a 3D representation of the DMs world.

Auto Gerg

    Auto Gerg is an auto battler game where two players go against each other with characters fighting each other. This was developed for my Game Design and Human-Centered Computing class with a group.

Mediocre Poster Maker

    Mediocre Poster Maker is VR Unreal Engine game where the player has an assortment of tools and objects to create a poster. This was developed a project for my Virtual Reality class with a group

Computer Graphics Project

    A JavaScript project that uses WebGL to model a building on NMSU campus for CS471 Computer Graphics
